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Running in Hot Weather: Your Essential Tips

Running in hot weather can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can maintain your performance, stay cool and safe. Here are some essential tips to help you beat the heat while running.  Hydrate properly  Proper hydration is crucial when running in hot conditions, especially if you’re planning an extended run! During your

How To #BeYourBest On Race Day

Everyone wants to be the best version of themselves as they can, especially on race day. So we’ve put together some tactics and tips to help you through those 13.1 miles ahead of the Swansea University Swansea Half Marathon. The time has come for you to run your half marathon…You’ve done your training, tapering and

Top Tips To Stay Safe When Running In The Dark

Getting your base training in during winter is a great way of keeping your fitness levels up and helping you prepare for next year’s race calendar but it’s important to stay safe when out running during the darker months. To help you be prepared we’ve put together some top tips for you to stay safe

Hot Topic – strength training

Strength training – exercises you didn’t know could improve your running! Many runners often forget that strength training is excellent for helping to improve your running fitness, and there are many benefits to including this in your workout routine. Lots of runners worry that strength training will bulk up their muscles and slow them down,

How to keep your running motivation this winter

It can sometimes be a challenge to motivate yourself to run during the winter months! However, there is no need to put an end to your training. Here are some tips to help motivate you through…  Ensure you have completed a thorough warm-up inside!!  Spend some extra time before your runs making sure you are

Top Tips For Post Race Recovery

13.1 miles is some serious distance whether you’re an elite or a casual runner, so it’s important you ensure you have recovered properly to avoid injury post-race and you can get back to training for your next race soon after. Lots of runners plan their post-race strategy but have you sorted yours? Read these tips

How to taper for a half marathon

You’ve signed up for the Swansea University Swansea Half Marathon and race day is fast approaching so now is the time to start thinking about tapering. What is a half marathon taper? Tapering for a half marathon occurs in the weeks leading up to the race. This is when you start to reduce the miles

Top Tips to Keep Fit & Stay Safe this Winter

The JCP Swansea Half Marathon may have crossed the finish line last month, but runners are being reminded that their fitness needn’t suffer this winter. Despite the colder climate and shorter days, keeping up training throughout the year can improve your health and give you the boost of energy you may need. But staying safe

Front Runner’s Top Tips as you Run Swansea

With the 2021 JCP Swansea Half Marathon on the horizon, we wanted to help you prepare for the event this coming Sunday (17th October). Check out our top tips to help you get race ready for when you #RunSwansea. – No new kit – Make sure you’ve used your running kit in your training runs

How To Train & Run A Half Marathon Safely – #runresponsibly

As difficult as the situation is that we currently find ourselves in, we all want something to set our sights on and take our minds off what’s going on in the World around us.  We all know how important staying active, healthy and fit is and running is a great way to do this for our

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